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View this model in a larger version:
Here is a model I did for the game Flight Control. I hope you enjoy it!
The map is also in my public folder. Please feel free to grab it!
This map is based on the game 'F-22 Raptor' by the creator Mike 'Nosta' Smith.
Mods used in this map are The Pegasus Eyes, Xload and The House Scrap Mod.
Hope you like it!
Additional Tags: FS9 Scenario, FSX | 2014
The image is a rather crude rendition of the F-15 Eagle, which has an aircraft wingspan of 61 feet 3 inches.
While there are indeed some large commercial airliners with a wingspan in that range, there are only two with an aircraft length that tall. The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird and the Airbus A380 have an aircraft length of 122 feet 10 inches and are both be359ba680
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